Filter By Services - Any -BenchmarkingBrand StrategyChange ManagementFinancial ModellingForecastingGap AnalysisMarket AssessmentMarket StrategyMarketing SupportOperation AssessmentStrategic PlanningVisioning & ConceptualisationProject OversightSite Assessment Search By Keywords Apply Image Initial Feasibility Analysis for a North Malaysian Cargo Terminal The challenge for this project was developing quick technical and market assessments at a desktop level to determine site selection, conceptualisation and general feasibility for a cargo terminal. The Client had requested the document to be developed within a two-week time frame together with our international partner. The resulting output formed a commercial narrative for the development while establishing a port concept that would fit into the technical limitations of the location in general. Learn More Image Marketing Document for Greenfield Straits of Melaka Port We were called to bring regional and local insight into the market potential of a conceptual greenfield port in the Melaka Straits. This was needed to develop a conceptual master plan of the development which would then be transferred into a marketing document cum presentation deck. While the location was well connected to trade routes, the limited shorefronting land and resulting reduced berth capacity meant undertaking a more in-depth analysis of the market than what was usually needed for this conceptual stage, given that the port had to fit into a pre-existing but dated master plan. Learn More Image Penang Port Master Plan 2021-2051 We were appointed, along with an international German port consultant and a Malaysian engineering firm as study partners, by Penang Port Sdn Bhd to carry out the master plan study for the future 30-year development of Penang Port. This involved designing for a challenging location, with Penang port being a historic port that had been growing organically along with the surrounding urban setting. Much like a European Port, this means Penang Port would face planning constraints involving different stakeholders that look to develop the state’s coastline. Together we undertook a comprehensive study covering all dimensions except legal. This had to be carried out within the short time frame of three months to meet the port stakeholders' demands. The plan we created enables the port to make the leap from a growing gateway port to an established, mature regional cargo center. It also established the baseline requirements for the future of Penang Port that would guide the port operator in their future dealings with various stakeholders' requirements. Learn More